Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Such a funny sounding word. So today;s challenge is to do 50-100 and then 50 pushups. If you do not know what this is, check it out on youtube. OMG I can't move! I have made it to 60 in 6 sets of 10 and then I did 30 pushups.

I feel so nauseated! I was going to go to the gym afterwards. Try to do 10. The jumping the push up part.

I am going to hit the shower. I will do the last 40 tomorrow.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A week already!

Man it sure didn't feel as if a week went by.

I am so busy at work, but I did get my workouts in last week!
Mon. Cardio & Weights
Tues.- Cardio & Squats
Wed. - weights
THurs- Rest
Fri.- This is the best one. I asked my husband to go for a walk with me. It was gorgeous outside so he said ok...We went to the local park. He was like lets take a trail and we ended up hiking 7.5 miles. OMG I am still sore.

Sat.- I was going to take a break since I hurt so much but I still did a 2-mile speed walk just to stretch.

In general, I feel like this was a successful week. I haven't updated my official weight but I am down. YAY!! I have been trying to do Bob's challenges daily. I have missed a couple but I am keeping track of what I owe and when I am at work I will do my lounges.

I hope you are are having a successful week!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A brand new Monday

Well exercise wise, this is a brand new week. I feel great. I busted my ass at the gym tonight.

I did the run/walk a min. thing again tonight. I ended up running that 1.5 mile a min faster than last month. I was a little surprised. I like unexpected improvements like that. I then jumped on the elliptical for a little over an hour. I was busting tail and it felt great.

Bob's challenge for today was these 50 reps of 3 chest exercises. I didn't really know how to do two of them so I did the one I knew and went to the gym and did 2 of the chest machines at a reasonable weight 60x. I am excited about my arms, I think I see my first definition. =) Another unexpected surprise.

Ok now the bad news............
The reason I am in my slump is my food.

So today
3X slimfast meal bars (570 calories)
pineapple (~300 calories)
1 piece of licorice
1 hersey chocolate miniture
3 pringles salt chips (25 calories)
6 pieces of gum (30 calories)
2 16 oz. of diet tea (0 calories)
1/2 polish kielbasa (~350 calories)

Now count wise I realize this is pretty reasonable and I easily drank 10 glasses of water today. Where the hell is my veggies? I love spinach and broccoli. I need to get on this food wagon. Fat wise the sausage killed me. I will focus better tomorrow.

I think I am going to see if my insurance will cover a nutritionist visit. I talked to my doctor when I started and she was super on bored for me to lose weight. I know she would refer me if that is what I need. What about Weight Watchers?

A food Diary


I have decided I really and going to start logging my food. I am going to focus this week on what I eat. I have been a good girl and going to the gym and my body is sore all over.

So til tonight with what I am eating.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I did Bob's challenge

I didn't think I could honestly do it. He wanted you to run 1 min and then walk one min for 30 min. I did it AND I even ran the last two min. I was sweating like a pig. When I started I told myself that I was going to give it a good effort and only focus on whatever min. I was working on. I walked an extra little bit because my heart rate was so high. I really was proud of myself. I think I am going to warm up from now on doing that.

I went on the elliptical machine afterwords for 40 min. It felt really nice. I was thinking of maybe making this week my second attempt at the 10k calorie challenge but I am not sure. I did burn exactly 800 tonight.

At the gym there was info on the Avon Breast cancer walk. It is a 26.2 mile Sat. walk and a 13.1 Sun walk over a weekend. There is one in DC and one in Chicago. I was thinking of making on later in the year a goal. Maybe my mom will do it with me. (I know she will say no, but it is worth a try)

Good night all!

+3 Pounds

So on my last weigh in I weighed 222.5 so in 2 weeks I gained 3 pounds. I didn't weigh in last week because I was in Wilmington for Easter. There is both good an bad in this.

I had weighed myself the whole week and I went up to over 230 again. So the fact that I am managing to come back down is good. It is so hard when I am around my family! They all are normal pretty skinny and in shape and they eat like pigs on Holidays.

I have been super focusing on my food. I loaded up on the Slimfast. I just cannot eat breakfast without feeling sick so I am going to have to stick to meal replacement shakes with some fruit. It was on sale this week on Walgreens and I had a coupon. I got them for less than less than .70 cents a can. The picture of Tara and Helen on my fridge is making me snack from the fridge. I need another one for the pantry.

Exercise has been lacking =/. It usually is so easy for me. It all started last weekend with Bob Harper's challenge. I did all those squats and then couldn't walk. I know that isn't an excuse. Then I went for a walk and got super blisters. I am been so slack. I have been looking for an exercise partner and I am just not finding one.

Oh yeah, and the thing that is also keeping me from going to the gym so much is I got a second job. We really needed the money. I am going to try to start walking on my lunch breaks and getting my ass up early to go to the gym before work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I want this

I need to tell myself that. I have gained some weight.

The Biggest Loser was the makeover show today. Man, it made me sad. They have worked out for approx. the same amount of time and Helen. She is the contestant I was closest to when it started (she was 257 & I was 253) is at 162. I feel like such a failure.

I bought OK magazine that featured Tara and Helen and put the cover on my fridge. Everyday I will have them in my face. I can and will do this.

I went to the gym and did a little bit on the treadmill. My legs are still killing me from the squats so I didn't want to overdo it. I did some weightlifting and pushups.

Tomorrow, I will start again. I weigh 225 pounds. I am down 28 pounds and I need to lose more. I need to do it for me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009



This week is not going according to plan. I completely blew it over the Easter Holiday. I am afraid to weigh myself, but tomorrow morning I will get my weight and start over.

I am friends with Bob Harper from the biggest Loser on facebook. Everyday, he posts a challenge. I start my morning reading them and attempting to do it. This weekend was 200 squats. I did them and boy do my legs hurt. Thursday it was 100 push ups. I made it to almost 70. I am going to continue to do this. I am hoping to find some people to work out with. I need that support. I feel like I am failing in part because of this.

I hope you all are well! Happy Easter/Passover!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Results are in

So Sunday I was officially measured for my bridesmaid dress. It is lower than what my wedding dress was.

I really am trying hard at the gym. I am gaining weight and I have no idea why. I usually flucuate. I have been hitting the gym harder and its not helping. I am not going to be in town on Friday I will do my weigh in tomorrow for the week. I would not be surprised if I gained.

I have gone to the gym Sun, Mon, & Tues this week. I am going to go tonight. So at least I am still putting in my effort.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I think as a new reward I will go shopping every six weeks! I tried on some clothes that were a little small. I did it because it was a 14W and I still got the zipper up. I am almost out of my fat people's clothes. A few more inches!

I am really now focusing on getting into a regular 14. That would mean I would be able to shop in "normal" stores. I was seriously looking at myself in the mirror and I can tell I am getting smaller. I know I want it to happen faster, but at least it is happening.

I went to a bridal store today because I am in a wedding, but they do not have my size to even try on. They want me to order my dress now for an October wedding. I offered to get it in June. It is suppose to arrive in 12 weeks. (So ordering in June will get here in Aug.) I do not plan on staying the same size. I mean I am hoping to be lose ~20 pounds before I buy it and ~50 pounds before the last weekend in Oct. It won't even be close to fitting if I order it now. I am hoping to lose the 20ish pounds and order 1 size down. I am not sure how they are going to feel about that. Those dresses go in and out 2 sizes and that way in Oct. it will be close.

I still feel massive. I just one for one second to look like all the other girls. When I get there, it will be so sweet. I cannot wait!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Weigh in update:

Still on the correct trend. I went done another 1.5 pounds. My serious goal is to lose 22.5 pounds by June 1st. I am not sure that I can do it but we will see.

I did not go to the gym last night. I was so tired that I came in from work and went directly to bed. (apparently for the night) Couple people have been sick around work and I wouldn't be surprised that I am not fighting something off. One girl has the flu. Maybe I should try to catch that so I can lose more weight. Anyways, I am happy I am going in the right direction.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Push Ups

So for my black belt test I did about 2400 over the course of 6 hours. Last night I did 50. I am trying to come up with a reasonable push up goal.

My stabilizer muscles in my tummy are killing me for only 50!!