Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yay! Birthday!

So officially I didn't make my 3 month goal. I am super close and I think I put in serious effort. Now to set my next step. June 1 I will lose another 24 pounds. It will finally put me under 200 pounds.

My clothes have dropped from tight 18s to I am wearing some size 14s. I am not in all 14s but I think I am solidly in a 16. I can do more push ups. I got my husband the iron gym for Christmas and I put it on the floor and do pushups. My arms are flabby but you can start to see definition.

I did go to the gym yesterday and I just got back today. I put in some solid cardio! I really need to start a consistent weight program to incorporate. I keep telling myself that I need to do cardio and more cardio until I die from it.

Food today is a wash. I had a cajun chicken sandwich no mayo and a strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and banana shake. Delicious. I also had cake =) I will start being really good tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

=) Week Update:

So I lost 2.5 pounds this week. I was surprised. I hadn't gone to the gym since I went on Tues. I over did it and was terribly sore. I have found I have to let my body rest or I will be useless.

So tomorrow is my birthday. yay! I am 4 pounds away from where I wanted to be tomorrow. I am really proud I have lost and kept up with this since Jan. 2. I am not going to be a statistic! I am going to finish this. I want it to stop raining because I am going to start running on my lunch break. There is a shower at work and some trails.

So I am off to the gym. I know I won't lose 14000 calories in a night, but I am going to put in a solid 2 hours.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Man this is getting old

Same story different day =/

I went to the gym yesterday. I burned about 1400 calories. I felt really good. I feel blah today because of Aunt Flo and didn't convince myself to get my fat ass to the gym and now I am beating myself up for it.

I know I will gain weight this week. I can see I am retaining water big time when I look in the mirror. Maybe I can stay the same. I will literally work my ass off tomorrow. I have to STAY AWAY from the freaking chocolate at work. They should stop buying it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

So how did I do?

Holy crap!

Do you know how many 10,000 calories are? So Sat. after I posted I went downstairs to find a flood. My toilet had overflowed all over my carpet in the den. It took me about 5 hours to clean the whole thing up.

I did go to the gym (yay!); however, I didn't start my weekend challenge until like 5 pm on Sat. So I don't think it is a fair shot. I should allow one session on Friday and then Sat. & Sun. I would have done better. Next time!

Session 1:
Elliptical- 422 calories
upright bike- 141 calories
treadmill- 432 calories

Session 2:
Elliptical- 1109 calories
Treadmill-230 calories

Session 3:
general weights for 30 min- 179 calories

Session 4:
Elliptical- 734 calories
vigorous weights for 50 min- 529 calories

Grand Total: 3776

Notes: I will try to do it once a month a hardcore weekend. I guess 6K would be more reasonable. I would have done better if the toilet problem didn't take the better part of Saturday for me to clean. I probably would have had another elliptical & treadmill session.

I used this calculator for the weight lifting. I am not going to the gym tonight because I am really sore. I am going to watch dancing with the stars and stretch. Lots of stretching. I am so very tight.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

10,000 Calories or Bust

So my birthday is March 29th. My goal was to be under 220 pounds. I weigh 226.5. This weekend I will try to burn 10k calories. I will judge this based on what the machine says.

I will report Monday. I am going to make that freaking goal!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 11

I lost another pound. Man this is going so slow. My goal at the beginning of the year was to be below 220 pounds before my birthday and I probably will not make it. The last weigh in before than in next Friday.

I did go t the gym last night. I have been continuing that. I am not sure what I need to do. Maybe stay longer? I went for 1.5 hours last night. I guess maybe I need to do a better job varying what I am doing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I notice I work my ass off one day and the following day I usually can make it through the day I am so tired and sore. By the time I come home, I just make it to bed and then sleep for like 10 hours. It isn't like I am not sleeping normally. (I am trying to sleep my 8 a night)

This cycle cannot continue.

Well tonight it is my version of the last chance workout. I am going to kick my ass!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I keep moving!

Well, how come it always comes down to the food? I had my first cheeseburger in 4 months Sunday. I have never ate something so delicious in my life. I didn't wash it down with a shake or anything but I am looking forward. I went so far over my calories it was ridiculous.

Death to the 5th blog I regularly read. This one was particularly hard for me to lose. When I read these blogs, I connect with these people. I feel like no one in the whole world (my family or friends) know what I am going through. They do not have 100 pounds to lose. My mom is trying to lose like 20. She has lost 10 in 3 weeks. Some of the weight loss blogs have such insight and inspiration. I have to keep reading. I hope that them not posting or even erasing does not discourage them from their dream of losing weight.

I have now come far enough that my New's Resolution is actually getting accomplished. I want next year not to have a weight loss goal attached to it. It would be the first time in over 10 years. I cannot weight to be in the 100s again. I realize I am still more than 20 pounds away but I am getting so close. I am closer to 200 than my starting weight. It blows my mind.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another week down: Weigh In Time

I lost another 2 pounds. I am so excited. I know I am still a long way off from 200 pounds I feel like for the first time it is attainable. I have been keeping up with the evil elliptical, but the treadmills have been full the last few times I went.

I think I need to look into buying a good pair of shoes. The ones I am wearing were a Christmas present and they are completely destroyed. I usually like Nike since they fit nicely, but I was told to go to this shoe store that matches the shoe to you for a running or a cross training shoe. I am very interested to know what kind of shoe I should be in.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I found a class!

So I think I have found a class. If I buy 30 min. personal training sessions you can take the group classes for free. They are about 5 min from my house!

There are all the classes. I am paying my taxes next week and I am going to see if I can't get a couple of people to chip in for my birthday ( husband). I am so excited.

Yesterday, I did my 2 miles on the treadmill and then 1 hour on the elliptical machine. I then decided I might as well start weight lifting. I started on my arms. I can still bench press 110 pounds. I decided to do 3 sets of 15 at 90 pounds not to over do it. I then did my shoulders, triceps, biceps. I did not do one machine I really wanted to because a whole group of people came in at 1am and I got pretty nervous since I had never seen them before so I left.

Tonight is legs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ashamed =(

So the reason I haven't been posting is that I didn't want to admit what kind of time I have been having. I need to really let everyone know.

Friday I went to the gym and it went well. I am try to run the entire time of 2 miles. That is my short term goal. When I am done I hop on the elliptical machine for an hour. I feel like the mini running session kills me. I cannot believe how hard it is.

This weekend was a disaster. First of all, we had company in and she brought about 3 pounds of the most delicious Italian butter cookies I had ever eaten. They are so amazing. I succumbed too much. We went to an Italian place with my husband's family and the service was horrible. I ordered good food but it didn't come for 3 hours. So I ended up eating bread and butter for dinner. Sunday wasn't much better. I am eating everything in sight and am so tired. I have no idea what is up with me.

Yesterday, I tried to get back on the program. did my run/elliptical session, but still the eating wasn't optimum. Today, same thing except I went on the elliptical longer to try to burn some of the excess.

I was doing so well. This is quite the set back. I read on someone's blog a comment that said. "Take it one second at a time. Can't change yesterday and tomorrow isn't here. Eventually the seconds add up." So I think I will do just that.

After we do our taxes, I am going to probably join some kind of program. I am not sure yet though.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Weigh In Again

So I finally broke the 20 pound weight loss mark. Man, it feels so good. I feel like it is a month coming but I am happy to be moving forward again.

Yesterday, I tried my hand at running. Damn that is so freaking tough. I think I am going to start running 5k on the treadmill 3X a week to start building up my endurance. Tonight's goal is to try to make it in under 33 min. I am thinking that will be kind of tough, but I heard the only way to get better at running is is run. So I know it is going to suck so bad for the first few weeks. It was like this for elliptical machine and now it isn't as hard so I know its true.

I feel myself getting lazy about this. I read 4-5 blogs a day about weight loss and several have stopped updating and it is making me feel like I can stop too. So 89.5 pounds to go. I still want to be half way down by June 15. I have no idea if I am going to make it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I am noticing this week I can tell I lost some more weight. It feels nice to be back on track! I have started to google for kickboxing classes. I really want something to be less than a 15-20 min drive from here. I am not sure what the best option would be/

Me and the elliptical machine are doing well. I changed programs on Mon to the high climb and my butt hurt all day yesterday when I was sitting on it. I can only imagine the number that machine did on it. Yesterday my normal kind of machine was taken so I did a different kind of elliptical machine and just concentrated on keeping my heart rate up above 140. I really should get a around to running. I found out that NBC lied to me telling me that Dane ran a marathon in less than 4 hours. Not only did he not do it in 4 hours he accepted a ride for 3 miles. Apparently afterwords he went back and did those 3 miles. This is very disturbing for me. I work out so hard and i look to their (the Biggest Loser's) as something I can achieve and I feel as it is a sham =(. It is a really sad day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

So what am I going to do about this

I have been around the same weight now for 3 weeks. I am very frustrated. The silver lining is that a big pair of sz 14 jeans are not only on but look good.

With the bad weather and now the snow I haven't been to the gym, but I have been focusing on my food so I do not feel too bad. Today I am going to clean and see if something is on FIT TV or maybe down load a work out on the internet so I keep moving. I cannot believe that it is 17 in March and Friday it will be 71 again. This weather is completely crazy.

I am going to pretend this is the beginning of my wellness trip and get super excited again. I went home this weekend and no one noticed I lost any weight which is really frustrating. So next time I see them, they had better notice. I am also shopping around for a kickboxing class in Raleigh, RTP, or Durham so if anyone can recommend one I am open to it.

Good luck and stay strong.