Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nutrition is the KEY

So I was given a plan to follow. That sounds so easy but it is difficult. I find it a lot of fum looking at all the ways I can make my caloric intake with different foods.

It is VERY specific with my fats and carbs. I find myself forcing myself to eat but I am not hungry. I found a great website "www.fitday.com" where you can enter everything and watch how you are doing. Like today I didn't realize I ate so much fat. I actually mainly came from my eggs; however, I find myself looking closer at the labels at the vitamin content.

I am going to try to put together a weekly menu. I hear so many people are successful. I think it will be a great way to add variety. I like the protein smoothies I have been making for breakfast. I have been hard boiling eggs on Sunday for the week for a snack with some almonds. What kind of menus do you plan?

I haven't tried to eat out on this I am sure it will be hard. We are going to Wilmington this weekend and it think this will be a great testament to what I am doing.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Week

Man, I thought of posting on this like 5 million times but I am sorry I have been slacking. This week has been a tough week.

Workwise, it has been stressful. This girl at work last week left and made a derogatory comment in exasperation and a manger was standing on the other side of the wall and had heard it. So the manager's had to decided to talk to her about it and asked me some harmless questions. She kinda was transferred there after all the laying off the beginning of the job and she had awhile back. I was asked to make sure she got trained and like when things came up managers-type people would have me remind her how to do it. So he wanted to know like how she was doing etc. Nothing major. Well she completely has lost it. She has stopped talking to me. I got a talking to with a manager. Stressful.

Workout wise- I have gone sporadically this week. I met with Laurie 3x. We went over my nutrition. I have to start a food journal. We worked legs on Wed. and then I went to boot camp. Thursday I could barely walk. It was so painful! Arms last night and more bootcamp. I feel great. I haven't lost any weight, but I am positive I am losing inches. My clothes are not fitting the same way. Lately, tons of people say it looks like I have lost weight.

Very encouraging.

Nutrionally- I have had an solid week. I am looking for a website that is free that I can just upload what I eat that way. I will never actually write it down.

I hope you all are doing well!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wow Been awhile

Hey guys!

So this week has been so busy at work. I have managed to sneak into the gym everyday this week. Met up with Laurie one day and she kicked my tail. It felt great =) Went to bootcamp 2x and even got Eddie to come along.

The few big things to note is that I woke up last night screaming because I was cramping. I have never felt such pain. I was hardly able to walk.

The other big thing is I have started to make protein shakes for my husband and me. It is so much fun to full around with all the flavors. I already have some favorites! I make them low to no fat which is good (non fat yogurts, fruits, ice), instead of the higher fat options (milk, peanut butter, etc.).

This week's weigh in I weighed the same as last week. I feel like that is fine since it is my devil time. I feel like I am getting in better shape! I am consistently running on a regular basis. The cross trainer is getting trained. I am even started to look toned =)

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Personal Training

So Eddie did it. He sprung for getting me a years worth of personal training with Laurie. Yay! So I will not disappoint him at all! This is bringing me a renewed hope. I cannot wait to get started =)

So I have had a pretty bad cold. I went the gym anyways and took it really easy. An hour on the treadmill with my heart rate at 120 today. I did a crazy ab workout today. I am so proud of myself. I am thinking of having Eddie taking 6 month pictures. Then in maybe Oct. taking some more.

So if anyone needs a babysitter or dog sitter or something- I am your gal.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Losing Weight is like Childbirth

  • Lots of screaming, crying and cussing along the way.
  • It’s a process that feels like is never going to end.
  • There’s a voice telling you “Push! Push!”
  • Doctors think they have all the answers, but people have been doing it without them for centuries.
  • You’ll soon have a bunch of clothes that are too big for you.
  • There are a million books on the subject.
  • It was more fun to get in the situation you’re in than to get out of it.
  • Spouse thinks they know what you’re going through but they don’t.
  • It helps if you’ve got someone there to lend you support.
  • Drugs are optional.
  • If you’re healthy, there’s no reason you can’t do it.
  • There’s quite a bit of labor involved.
  • It’s probably the most important thing you’ll ever do.
  • It’s hard to explain to your kids.
  • It’s a real pain in the bottom.
  • If all goes well, a brand new life emerges.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

News Flash: I have lost 2 pounds!!!!!!!!

Man that feels so good! I am so excited. I met this boxer yesterday. I was convinced him to take the boot camp class that I love. He took it and told me he had never sweated so hard. It is such a great class. My arms are getting so toned =) There is a comment box at the gym. The owner just added ~45k in equipment. I was going to suggest another night of boot camp. So I could go like MWF at 8:30 pm. I know tons of other people that would go.

Today I have many plans, I would love to go to the gym and get one the crosstrainer for an hour and go to step class with Rebecca. It should be great fun.

My mommy is in town so I am going to go hang out with her afterward. yay!

Have a great day. Keep hydrated!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So I was told I focus on the negative so today I am going to post only positive things!

1) I am proud that I have lost 35 pounds.

2) I am happy that I have encouraged several people I know to join in on getting healthy.

3) I :heart: boot camp and CJ (the old military drill Sargent). He is whipping me into shape. He is going to let me sit in on his boxing classes =)

4) I love Laurie. My personal trainer. I cannot afford to go and she is going to give me a few free sessions until I figure out if I am going to get laid off. Eddie even agreed to pay for it if I keep my job!

5) I can do a pull up with only 50 pounds of help. So if I weighed 50 pounds lighter I could do a pull up. (I could only do 1 pullup at 90 pounds 3 weeks ago) I can do pushups again. I did a set of 50 the other night and I was astonished that I had come so far.

6) I am happy that I can jog/walk/run a 5K. I know it wasn't a great time, but I went from nothing to 30-40 min. of jogging.

7) I am honestly amazed that I actually am getting toned arms.

8) I am getting 1-2 comments a week that I am losing weight and looking better. That is super exciting.

9) I have found food that was something I wouldn't typically eat but I am experimenting with since I am trying to eat better. Who knew Mussels were SOOOOOOOO yummy!!

10) I am happy for whomever is reading this right now! Thank you for being my support. Even in your silence, I know you are there.

I also am happy that I have met Gwen, Phil, Rebecca, and all the others at the gym! See you guys tomorrow =)

Monday, June 8, 2009


So I was told crosstraining can help you when you are in a plateau. I am not sure what kind of crosstraining I should include.

So today I wrote a list of different activities I would like to start adding to my regimen.

Swimming- solid choice I think....costs money =/

Biking- I absolutely hate it....I am might try the new spin class and just knock it out

Classes- there are about 35 classes at the gym a week. I am thinking of doing more rotations to keep it fun and interesting

Hiking- I love to hike a bit and there is a great park down the street; however, it is already 95 and humid as all get out.

Rock climbing wall- I heard of a place down the street that does this. I was thinking of using that for a date night with my husband. I think it is my turn to pick next.

Anyone have more suggestions? I do not want to be stuck in the same rigmarole.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So I am really trying to give this yoga thing a chance, or I call it the falling over class. My sister came with me yesterday. She took a semester in Yoga for her PE requirement and she was doing so great. Me, on the other hand, was a wobbly mess.

The teacher was terrific, offering words of encouragement. I am going to continue taking this class, not to much for me losing weight, but for balance and core strength.

I am still not losing weight. I feel like I am on the verge of giving up. I am now going to the gym about 13 hours a week and eating pretty well (I have the occasional twizzler) I am pretty mixed.

It might be the stress from work. I hear stress makes it hard to lose weight. They have been laying people off from work and I half assed looking for another one, and there really isn't much out there. Our unemployment is higher than the national average. Anyways, my husband thinks I should have a full physcial and see if my body is behaving itself. I mean the first 35 pounds were so easy. It should have lost SOMETHING in the last 6 weeks.

As a last resort, I am considering adding an hour of cardio at 6am to see if that helps.

Oh well, I will try not to give up yet!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Great Story

I thought I had to share!

I went to the gym tonight. It is bring a friend week. So I took my roommate. I walked on the treadmill for an hour and then went to my boot camp class. I convinced him to go with me. He ended up puking after 10 min.

I am pretty proud of myself. I feel like I can do a better job getting through the class. I am not stopping as much as I was before. Maybe a sign I am getting into shape?

I cannot believe I have been working out so much and have not gone anywhere shapewise. I would have thought I would have been stronger.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I am so out of shape. I am trying super hard to lose some weight. I feel like I am not going anywhere.

Last night I did boot camp. My goal in that class is to try to finish the whole class without stopping. She said most people take about 6 weeks. So 5 weeks is a good goal for that. I did Yoga tonight. It was horrible. I might get this at sometime. I am so uncoordinated! Tonight was personal training. She kicked my ass.

I would really like to keep up meeting her 2X a week. I just can't afford it I do not think. I haven't lost ANY weight in weeks. I really want to start going down. My body just keeps changing shape. For example, My bra size is a 38 H.....OMG am I a cow?!!

Tomorrow is a key weigh in day. I really need to get moving in the right direction. I want so badly to be less than 200 pounds!

Good luck on your weigh ins!

Monday, June 1, 2009

What a workout!

So I took my first step class today. OMG it was super fast paced and I had no clue what was going on! Everyone made it look so easy. I tried to hang with it.

Then I took a Yoga Class. I felt super awkward and kept falling over! So I will probably keep taking those just to keep my balance getting better.

Then I went to a personal training session. She kicked my ass and she seemed really cool. Unfortunately, layoffs have hit my company and although I survived the first one, I may not survive next time. So after I use this mini session amount. I will probably have to start seriously saving.

We talked exercise plan. So it is 50-75 min. on the elliptical/cross trainer 5 days a week. 4 days of 40 min of weight lifting. +3 classes a week. I told myself I will do what she says while she is my trainer. I will give her the benefit of a doubt. So here I go.